Eötvös Loránd University
Laboratory of Electrochemistry &
Electroanalytical Chemistry

RRDE experiments with independent potential scans at the ring and disk electrodes — 3D map of intermediates and products of electrode processes

The paper authored by S. Vesztergom, M. Ujvári and G.G. Láng is published in Electrochemistry Communications (2012, vol. 19, pp. 1–4).


The dual cyclic voltammetry technique and the electrochemical measuring system with rotating gold disk-gold ring electrodes have been tested in air-saturated and deaerated aqueous sulfuric acid solutions (selected as model systems). The oxygen reduction process has been chosen as model reaction. A new 3D representation of the data has been proposed which can be used to reveal the formation of electroactive species (intermediates or products) at the disk.

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